Brookwood School offers a playful, collaborative work environment for 90 faculty and staff who go the extra mile to do what is best for kids.
Current Positions:
Upper Elementary Lead Teacher, [Full-Time]
Early Childhood (3-to 5-year-olds) Lead Teacher [Full-Time]
Early Childhood (3-to 5-year-olds) Assistant Teacher [Full-Time]
Anticipated Part-Time Learning Specialist, Grades K - 8, January - June 2025
Head of Lower School [Full Time] July 2025
As of now, we do not have any open administrative positions. However, we appreciate your enthusiasm about becoming a part of our team. We encourage you to check back periodically for any updates or new opportunities that may become available.
After School Instructor [Part Time; March - June 2025]
Summer at Brookwood Camp Counselor (Summer 2025)
Summer at Brookwood Junior Camp Counselor (Summer 2025)
Activities Coordinator/CIT and Junior Counselor Support (Summer 2025)
Summer at Brookwood Group Leader (Summer 2025)
Teacher Residency Program
Brookwood School partners with Lesley University Graduate School of Education to offer Elementary or Early Childhood Education Initial Licensure and a Master of Education degree. Our Teacher Residency Program is a yearlong investment that prepares Teaching Apprentices (TAs) for a lifelong career in education. Please send inquiries to Director of Teacher Residency, Jen Cunningham Butler at
Substitute Teachers
We are looking for experienced Substitute Teachers. Bachelor of Arts or Science degree, plus some related experience is required. Please send a cover letter and resume to Olivia at or by mail to Brookwood School, 1 Brookwood Road, Manchester, MA 01944, Attn: Olivia Shouvlin.
Brookwood School prohibits discrimination against current or prospective employees on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristic. It is the policy to employ and promote personnel regardless of the foregoing characteristics, unless one or more of them are a bona fide requirement of a particular position. Brookwood School is firmly committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all aspects of employee relations, including employment, salary administration, employee development, promotion and transfer.
More details on our Health Insurance carrier can be found at