A Warm Welcome from Brookwood School’s Parents’ Association
Weekly News

As we start another exciting school year, the Brookwood Parents' Association (PA) extends a heartfelt welcome to all our families—both new and returning! We are thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant community and look forward to working together to make this year a wonderful one.

Our goal is to support and enhance the Brookwood experience for everyone through active partnership and involvement. We believe that by collaborating, we can create a caring and engaging environment that supports growth, learning, and joy.

To kick off the school year, we invite you to join us for Coffee on the Courtyard on September 4, immediately after drop-off. It’s a great chance to connect with other parents, meet members of the PA, chat with your class connectors, and learn about the exciting events and activities we have planned for the year.

Here’s to a fantastic year filled with opportunities, achievements, and special moments. 

-The Brookwood School Parents’ Association
Seamus Conlin P '26, '28
Gretchen Knight P '23, '26, '33
Kelsey LaGross ’08, P '31, '33, PA President
Daniella Mammola P '29, '31
Caitlyn Thomas P '18, '27

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