Lower School Updates - September 13, 2024
Weekly News

The energy in Brookwood’s Lower School is alive with excitement and cheer. The atmosphere is contagious, as we welcome another year filled with smiling, eager children, including forty-seven new students. The blend of old and new faces has already occurred so seamlessly that it’s hard to even tell who’s new. Brookwood continues to provide an environment where children feel joyful, energized, and ready to learn.

As the school embarks on a new year, several things remain constant. First, there will always be openness to hearing the stories, questions, and feedback from families. Time is set aside each morning and afternoon for informal chats, so parents and guardians are encouraged to stop by. Our commitment to supporting educators continues strong, as teachers remain dedicated to creating inviting spaces where every child feels seen, valued, and surrounded by friends. Brookwood emphasizes close collaboration between parents and teachers to ensure the success of each child.

Partnerships with key stakeholders will also continue, fostering the generation of new ideas and promoting open-mindedness while protecting Brookwood’s deeply cherished legacies and traditions. This year, we look forward to familiar celebrations and rites of passage, such as the beloved Lower School Play, Revels celebration, and recognizing the 4th graders as leaders of the Lower School. Their contributions to the community will be celebrated as they grow into new responsibilities.

In response to parent feedback, grade-level coffees have been moved to the Zoom platform to provide more accessible opportunities for families to engage during the school day. Brookwood remains committed to improving communication and ensuring that important events are well-publicized, so parents don’t miss any key moments of their child’s experience in the Lower School.

As the year unfolds, the focus remains on the children—their discoveries, laughter, and growth. The entire Lower School is excited to witness the "a-ha" moments and the joy that comes with learning, and parents are invited to share in these special experiences too.


Gina Marcel
Head of Lower School

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