Coffee Pond School Pictures - ordering and retakes
Weekly News

Coffee Pond School Pictures - ordering & retakes

Dear Families,

Coffee Pond Photography sent information via email for ordering your student’s school portraits on 9/17/24. If you did not receive this information, please first check your spam folder, then contact their Customer Care Department directly for assistance: 1-800-632-2323 ext. "0" or [email protected]. (Further, be sure to have your spam blocker set to accept emails from [email protected]).

Ordering Portraits

Visit Click the “Order School Portraits” banner to purchase printed or digital images.

Retake Day Instructions

School picture retake day is scheduled for Friday, 10/18/24

If your child was absent, they are already on the retake day list, but you can check in with Alli Moore ([email protected]) to confirm this. If your child was photographed on picture day and you would like additional photos, you have the opportunity for a retake for $10.

Please sign up no later than 2 days before retake day (by 10/16/24) if you are interested in your child attending. To sign up, visit

Go to the main page tab called “Photo Retake date search” or you can look up your child’s individual portraits with their password. Select your town & school to access the sign-up form. Click sign up for retakes on the menu bar.

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