We hope you can join us this Saturday to learn more about our new Summer at Brookwood programs. This is an interactive event designed to help your child get excited about the summer!
When you arrive be sure to connect with Manchester Sailing and Kestrel Educational about our partnerships this summer. We also have several specialty camp vendors and teachers attending our event so campers will have the opportunity to participate in some demo lessons and get a sneak peek at sample activities.
Between visits to demo lessons and vendor tables, campers can take a quick break to create a summer themed-craft and snap a pic with fun summer props and Summer at Brookwood swag in front of a warm and sunny backdrop.
In addition to our specialty camp vendors and teachers, we are excited to share that two of our beloved camp counselors Corinna and Delia will be in attendance. They are so excited to see the campers on Saturday!
Returning campers who bring or invite a new camp family to the event will be entered to win a $50 gift card to the Brookwood School Store!