Dear Lower School Families,
Next week, Fall Term reports will be released via the Veracross Parent Portal. Reports are an important part of Brookwood’s partnership and communication with families. This fall, the Lower School team worked to revise the grading scale for students in grades K – 4 in order to help clearly and accurately communicate student progress throughout the school year.
You will see the updated grading scale below that emphasizes a student’s ability to demonstrate grade level expectations independently.
We have intentionally expanded the Progressing Well category to include a Progressing Well - (PW-) and a Progressing Well + (PW+). The range helps us share the consistency at which a student is able to perform the grade-level skill/demonstrate understanding and the need for teacher assistance. Students may be making good personal progress, but still receive Emerging, or Needs Support if they are not yet meeting grade-level benchmarks. This grading scale will be at the top of your student’s report for your reference.
Please reach out to your student’s teacher with any specific questions and I am always available to connect with you as well.
Stacey Wright
Assistant Head of School