Auxiliary Info and Reminders
Weekly News

We have had a great first few days of After School and Early Birds!  Next week, After School students will explore baking-soda-science, design and create homemade binoculars and play a student favorite - blob tag!

Auxiliary Program Registration:  

  • If you need to register for After School or Early Birds or let us know about drop-in day, please email [email protected].

Enrichment/Music Lesson Reminders: Enrichment classes and music lessons begin the week of September 16 with the exception of Harry Potter which will begin the following week due to a planned teacher absence.

Pick-Up Drop-Off Reminders: 

  • Early Bird Drop-Off 7:30 a.m.
    • Families who are using our Early Birds program should enter through the main entrance and proceed to the library with their student to sign in. (Upper School students and students with bike/walk permissions can sign themselves into the early bird program.)
  • After School Pick-Up 4:00 p.m. 
    • All Lower School students with a scheduled 4:00 p.m. dismissal time should be picked up at the Lower School portico via Dan Wise Way. Dan Wise Way will be closed to traffic after the 4:00 p.m. dismissal. 
      • If your Lower Schooler has an Upper School sibling that is also being picked up at 4:00 pm, both students will leave from the Lower School portico via Dan Wise Way. These Upper School students will "cross over."
    • All students leaving at 5:30 p.m., regardless of grade level, should be picked up from the front lobby.
    • If you need to pick up outside our official dismissal times (4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.), please enter through the front door. Families have two options: Those wishing to get their child(ren) quickly, can wait in the lobby and have Reception radio for them to be brought up. Those wishing to enter the program may do so, but are asked to sign in/out and wear a visitor badge.

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